Unknowing my way to what’s next
A new type of community for experienced tech founders, operators, and builders searching for what’s next. Where do you go when you're 40 years old, have kids, but don't know what you want to do? I need to pay myself but don't know

Corporates: It’s Time To Flip the Switch to Active Innovation Before You Lose
Organizations are on a constant journey of survival from disruption. The Oregon Trail game involved embarking on a journey westward to Oregon from the Midwest. To win involved making consistently good decisions relative to the risk.

Introducing the 10 Startups Joining the 2020 MetLife Digital Accelerator powered by Techstars
Today, I’m pleased to announce the 10 startups joining the 2020 MetLife Digital Accelerator powered by Techstars. This year’s startup class is building solutions for financial wellness and engagement, helping customers and families save money, tackle debt, stay healthy, care for seniors and children, and close the racial

Ripe for Growth: Ann Arbor to Detroit (A2D) Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
Nine years ago, on June 3, 2011, from my desk in San Francisco, I sent a cold email to Dan Gilbert’s newly formed Detroit Venture Partners. I told them why they needed to hire me and why I wanted to move to Detroit. I knew long term I wanted

Startup Applications Open for the 2020 Detroit Auto Show
Calling all automotive mobility startups. Apply to be part of the 2020 Detroit Auto Show before spots run out.

Expanding My Investment Thesis to Run the MetLife Digital Accelerator powered by Techstars
I'm staying in Detroit. I'm staying at Techstars. And now I'm running the Techstars powered MetLife Digital Accelerator. With this new program, comes my expanded investment thesis: technologies that make, move, and manifest in our daily lives. Continue reading for my expanded investment thesis

I’m #LongDetroit Even As Techstars Detroit Winds Down
I’m sad to say the Techstars Detroit Accelerator has been wound down. To everyone: I’m not going anywhere. In fact, I’m going to keep doing what I’ve always been doing.

Meet the Techstars Detroit Class of 2019
The Techstars Detroit Class of 2019 is the 5th Techstars class in Detroit, but the first class to run under the new name and expanded thesis. This class is 60% international and 40% female led. Check out the reasoning behind the name change and full class below. At the beginning

Top 13 Strategies for Startups to Work with the Automotive Mobility Industry
Watch the video discussion and learn about the top 13 strategies for startups to work with the automotive mobility industry. Compiled by founders, investors, and mentors with extensive startup and automotive mobility experience. The #1 question I get asked by startups is “How can I work with the automotive mobility

Transforming Techstars Mobility to Techstars Detroit
Today I’m excited to announce a massive transformation to the Techstars Mobility program—now called Techstars Detroit. Startup applications open today for our 2019 accelerator program. We're also moving offices, welcoming a new corporate partner, and bringing on a new Program Manager. Read on for details. Today