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DC Drupal Meetup #5

I’ve finally scheduled the next Drupal meetup for July 26th at 7pm []! Due to everyone’s busy schedules (mine included), we missed out on June, so to make up for this, Development Seed []is buying the first round of Coronas at

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Well after running with a fairly bland blog for quite a while, I’ve spent the last few sleepless nights on the redesign and I have to say, it’s turned out quite amazing, better than I intended! The entire site is powered by Drupal 4.7 [

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Drupal on Inside the Net

In episode 25 of Inside the Net [], hosts Leo Laporte [] and Amber MacArthur [] talk with my co-worker Jeff Robins [] about Drupal []. Jeff explains why we’re using it as the choice CMS

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I'm a Google Summer of Code Mentor

This summer I’m participating in the Google Summer of Code [] program as a mentor for Drupal []. There were a ton of applications for projects on improving Drupal, but only 14 projects [] were accepted and sponsored by

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Fedora: Image Manipulation Servlet

During the 2nd semester of my junior year at Cornell University [] (circa April 2003), I worked on an independent study where I developed an image manipulation servlet to tie into Fedora [], an “open source software [package that] gives organizations a flexible service-oriented

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How to make theming in Drupal easier

Drupal is an amazing web framework. You can build almost any type of website with it super easily. Just check out Zack’s screencast [] for an example of this. But it’s not just point and click, with a plethora of hooks [http://api.drupal.

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The goodness of CCK + hook_form_alter()

As I was wrapping up the new TWiT [] site today, I needed to implement one new feature: scheduled publishing. I thought about it a bit and came up with a very elegant solution []. Simple, lightweight, and unobtrusive in design, only

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Drupal 4.7 is out! So is my new video

So Drupal 4.7 is finally out []! It’s been almost a year, but it’s certainly been worth it. Look at all of the cool new features! It’s a really great feeling having contributed many hours to this release myself, including one

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My First Podcast Interview

Yes, it’s true, I’m appearing regularly now on a weekly podcast about Drupal [], wahoo! My first appearance on a podcast [] was a quick intro about me joining the Lullabot team [] and

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My first 15 min of fame!

A few weeks back, Leo Laporte [] approached Lullabot [] about developing the new TWiT website []. Well we gladly accepted, I mean, this is Leo! So I was put in charge of developing the new site, and