Drupal admin menu bar released
One of the biggest problems I run into when creating Drupal sites is a proper admin theme. Sure, there are various techniques to have a different admin theme, but often I want to integrate that into the current design. Many times that is ok, but the real problem was the
Leo talks about the new TWiT.tv site
At the end of last week’s TWiT episode [http://www.twit.tv/62], Leo and company talk about the new TWiT.tv site [https://tedserbinski.com/drupal/twit-tv/]. A clip of that can be listened to below. Also last week on the Lullabot podcast [http://www.lullabot.com/podcast]
Scheduler module: rewritten
On the long plane ride home from London today (I was out there building the new MTV.co.uk site that is going live early August 2006, see some pictures [http://www.flickr.com/photos/tedserbinski/tags/london/]), I decided to completely rewrite the scheduler module [http://drupal.org/project/
Launching TWiT TV website
After many months, the new TWiT.tv [http://www.twit.tv/] has launched! This has been an amazing project to work on and certainly my best work to date. I originally started on this project back in March 2006 when I joined Lullabot [http://www.lullabot.com/] in its infancy
DC Drupal Meetup #5
I’ve finally scheduled the next Drupal meetup for July 26th at 7pm [http://drupal.org/node/72498]! Due to everyone’s busy schedules (mine included), we missed out on June, so to make up for this, Development Seed [http://developmentseed.org/]is buying the first round of Coronas at
Redesigned: tedserbinski.com
Well after running with a fairly bland blog for quite a while, I’ve spent the last few sleepless nights on the redesign and I have to say, it’s turned out quite amazing, better than I intended! The entire site is powered by Drupal 4.7 [http://drupal.org/
Top Tier Gasoline
This blog post has been featured in the August 2007 issue of Klatsch [http://www.pcafcr.org/klatsch/2007/Klatsch_newsletter_Aug_07_v3.pdf], the Florida Crown Region Porsche Club [http://www.pcafcr.org/] newsletter. In the November 2005 issue of BMW CCA’s Roundel [http://www.bmwcca.org/
Drupal on Inside the Net
In episode 25 of Inside the Net [http://twit.tv/itn25], hosts Leo Laporte [http://www.leoville.com/] and Amber MacArthur [http://ambermac.com/] talk with my co-worker Jeff Robins [http://www.jjeff.com/] about Drupal [http://drupal.org/]. Jeff explains why we’re using it as the choice CMS
I'm a Google Summer of Code Mentor
This summer I’m participating in the Google Summer of Code [http://code.google.com/soc/] program as a mentor for Drupal [http://drupal.org/]. There were a ton of applications for projects on improving Drupal, but only 14 projects [http://drupal.org/node/65244] were accepted and sponsored by
Fedora: Image Manipulation Servlet
During the 2nd semester of my junior year at Cornell University [http://www.cornell.edu/] (circa April 2003), I worked on an independent study where I developed an image manipulation servlet to tie into Fedora [http://www.fedora.info/], an “open source software [package that] gives organizations a flexible service-oriented