Preventing Drupal from Handling 404s for Performance
The .htaccess file included with Drupal tells Apache to send all 404 requests to Drupal to handle. While this is great in some cases, the performance degradation can have a huge impact on a site that has millions of users. When Drupal processes a 404, it has to bootstrap Drupal,
Hot Swapping of Drupal Themes
At the ParentsClick Network [] we are soon to be rolling out many more sites on our platform. Because of our unique community API (which I will be detailing in a future post) we are running many sites (many not yet released) on the same install of
SimpleFeed 2.1 Release, New Maintainer, and a Look at Performance
SimpleFeed 2.1 SimpleFeed 2.1 has been released [], grab it while it’s hot! This release fixes a number of outstanding issues and greatly improves the robustness of SimpleFeed. Highlighted fixes include: * Critical update, fixes updating of feed items to use the new unique
Blueprint Drupal Theme Released
Well, it took longer than I expected (announced it a couple months back []), but I’m pleased to announce that my Blueprint Drupal Theme [] has been released! This theme uses the most excellent Blueprint CSS framework [
Tracking External Links and "In-Network" Links with Google Analytics and jQuery
MothersClick [] is a flourishing site that is growing very quickly. As such, tracking user behavior with Google Analytics [] is becoming very important as it helps to determine how to adjust the site to better meet the needs of our users. And
MothersClick Wins Niche Social Networking Category in Web 2.0 Awards
MothersClick [] placed 1st in the Niche Social Networking category for SEOmoz’s 3rd Annual Web 2.0 Awards []. I’m very pleased with the result as myself and the rest of the MothersClick team have really been working our tails
2nd Annual "Cookbook for Moms"
Just in time for Mother’s Day, the 2nd Annual “Cookbook for Moms” [] is now for sale []! This year we have teamed up with Missy Chase Lapine, author of “The Sneaky Chef” [] in helping
DrupaLMAO Interview
Last week when I was in NYC for MothersClick [] meetings, I met for an interview with Jerad Bitner [] and Dave Burns [], both developers at SonyBMG []. These guys run a site called DrupaLMAO [], a
SimpleFeed 2.0 released
SimpleFeed [] was released a little over 4 months ago and has been working out very well. However, it still wasn’t fast enough—at least for me. It could work faster, it could be more efficient. So over the past month or two I’ve
Black & Blue Drupal Theme Released
When I redesign my blog, I like to release the previous theme out into the open for anyone to make use of. I did this last year with the Orange Mint theme release [] and it worked out well. Attached below is a zip file of