👋🏻 Hi, I'm Ted.
I am a tech entrepreneur and investor living in metro Detroit.
Connecting with founders to build lifelong relationships is my passion. I am a first-check preseed investor in over 100 startups that have grown to $3 billion in market cap.
Here on my blog, I share thoughts, insights, and learnings. These posts are inspired by my roles as a venture capitalist, tech founder, health and wellness enthusiast, solo dad to four amazing kids, and journey through Catholic mysticism.
Unknowing my way to what’s next
A new type of community for experienced tech founders, operators, and builders searching for what’s next. Where do you go when you're 40 years old, have kids, but don't know what you want to do? I need to pay myself but don't know

My Mobility Startup Investment Themes
This post summarizes how I think about investing in mobility startups from a thematic viewpoint spanning industries, technologies, and modes of transport (e.g., sea, air, and land). This summer, I will make my 44th investment in a mobility startup. I’m still in awe as I think about that
Detroit's Ascent to Become the Mobility City
Detroit is redefining itself as a city known for bending steel to bending bits. We’re seeing a shift from manufacturing vehicles to creating software and services.

Corporates: It’s Time To Flip the Switch to Active Innovation Before You Lose
Organizations are on a constant journey of survival from disruption. The Oregon Trail game involved embarking on a journey westward to Oregon from the Midwest. To win involved making consistently good decisions relative to the risk.

Introducing the 10 Startups Joining the 2020 MetLife Digital Accelerator powered by Techstars
Today, I’m pleased to announce the 10 startups joining the 2020 MetLife Digital Accelerator powered by Techstars. This year’s startup class is building solutions for financial wellness and engagement, helping customers and families save money, tackle debt, stay healthy, care for seniors and children, and close the racial

Ripe for Growth: Ann Arbor to Detroit (A2D) Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
Nine years ago, on June 3, 2011, from my desk in San Francisco, I sent a cold email to Dan Gilbert’s newly formed Detroit Venture Partners. I told them why they needed to hire me and why I wanted to move to Detroit. I knew long term I wanted